Give Your Business Superpowers with Our Conversational, Engaging and Human-like Voicebots that Converse, Engage and Convert at Scale
As your business grows, it becomes more and more important to deliver critical information, assistance and timely support to your leads, customers and partners in a timely manner. Our AI & NLP powered voicebot offers speed, accuracy and 24-hour presence to fuel your brand conversations and keep the momentum high with delightful and impactful interactions.
With our sales voicebot specifically created to meet the needs of businesses looking to grow aggressively, you can reduce your sales response time drastically by outsourcing common and repetitive conversations to our technology application. Further, not just end-customers, you can deploy it across your product and service channels for unfailing customer experience. Equip your business with highly personalized and user-centric inbound and outbound calls with our feature-rich, omnichannel voicebot application.
Manage Inbound Leads – Once a lead has signed up for a trial or requested a quote on your website/landing page, our voicebot automatically qualifies the prospect through an automated call and transfers sales-ready prospects to your team.
Renewals, Reorders and Subscriptions – Make automated voice calls through our voicebot application to make gentle reminders to your existing customers to reorder an already purchased product, renew a product, service or a subscription, and so on.
Populate Your CRM – Our Voicebot can easily and quickly collect, scrub and clean data from IVR or agent-run call centres and populate your CRM and other customer databases automatically.
Revive Dry Leads – Place follow-up calls automatically to revive the interest of unresponsive leads. Redirect such leads to the right agent and for additional human touch. Save hundreds of hours wasted in reviving dry leads – let our software do all the repetitive hard work!
Collect Customer feedback – Feedback is an important part of growing your business. Place automated and predefined voice calls periodically to measure customer satisfaction, proactively identify issues, gather rich insights on brand perception, and more.
Schedule Appointments – Ease the burden off the shoulders of your agents by giving them the ultimate voice-based scheduler for closing appointments, discussions, sales meetings, pitches and so on.
Augment Customer Touchpoints – Place automated calls whenever a prospect opens an email, clicks on an ad, sends a live chat, sends an email, or messages on social media. Stop your leads from falling through the cracks by taking the smart approach to conversations.
Field Agent Support – Provide timely and user-specific support to your field agents as they push your brand out there by meeting up channel members, partners and end-customers. Ensure that they have everything they need through automated voice calls.
Easy Set-up – Our voicebot application can be set-up within days, not weeks or months. You can start feeding custom voice scripts from day one and will have an account manager to guide you through the entire process.
Extensive Knowledge Repository – Our voicebot is trained to look for answers in your organizational knowledge repository to provide the most appropriate answer to a question asked by the user.
Personalized Responses – Further, our application proactively gives the user more information to address her/his problem better by giving understanding their underlying intent and responding accordingly.
Unified Communication – Our voicebot unifies all voice and chat interaction across agent phone calls, live chat on your website, social media messaging and mobile conversations as well as interaction through smart speakers.
Why Choose Voicebot Solution by Platinum One?



Cross-selling and up-selling

No Time-lag