
Board of Directors

Name of DirectorsDINDesignation
Mr. Amey Saxena 02194001Managing Director
Mr. Ratul Lahiri 02197443Executive Director
Mr. Vivek Kumar02193081Director and CFO
Mrs. Anupama Vaidya 02713517Independent Director
Mr. Peshwa Acharya 06558712Independent Director
Mr. Arun Ramamurthy02928402Independent Director

Audit Committee

Name of the DirectorDesignation in CommitteeNature of Directorship
Ms. Anupama VaidyaChairpersonIndependent Director
Mr. Peshwa AcharyaMember Independent Director
Mr. Arun RamamurthyMember Independent Director
Mr. Amey SaxenaMemberManaging Director

Nomination And Remuneration Committee

Name of the DirectorDesignation in CommitteeNature of Directorship
Mr. Peshwa AcharyaChairmanIndependent Director
Mr. Arun RamamurthyMemberIndependent Director
Ms. Anupama VaidyaMemberIndependent Director
Mr. Ratul LahiriMemberExecutive Director

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Name of the DirectorDesignation in CommitteeNature of Directorship
Mr. Arun RamamurthyChairpersonIndependent Director
Ms. Anupama VaidyaMemberIndependent Director
Mr. Peshwa AcharyaMemberIndependent Director
Mr. Vivek KumarMemberDirector & CFO